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Pernah tak keluar bersiar sorang2?
Without sapa2 teman? Naaa. Aku pernah. Tapi mcm kurang seronok keluar enjoy sorang2. Pergh. 
Rasa mcm syok sendiri keluar sorang2.
Well. I just think about that. Mcm tertanya2. Rasa forever alone ka if kita keluar mana2 sorang2
and tak ada kawan nak teman? 
I will say no. Cause. Bg aku, bila kita jalan sorang2, trip sorang2, shopping sorang2, macam kita bebas nak buat apa2. Berapa lama kita nak, ikut suka kita. Right? 
Someone said to me, its better you go out alone than go out with your friends but none of them are sincere go out with you. Thanks for realizing me. Sejak dua menjak macam fikir nak buat hal sorang2 ja. Tapi dalam masa yang sama rasa sunyi. Ergh. Tp, rasanya nak start la jadi independent without anyone stands beside me no matter what happen. Its time for make a decision for youself farah. Nothing to afraid of. Just walk alone. :D

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